Appalachian Patria

Appalachian Intellectual. To me that means plain thinking. I am A Non Commissioned Officer in the Army Reserves. Let me say...My views expressed here are mine and not those of The U.S. Army, Army Reserve or my fellow brethren in The National Guard. This is entirely Sua Sponte. This is My Thinking. I'm single and in my mid 30's. Politicaly, I'm a Libertarian. (Again, Sua Sponte.I do not represent the Libertarian Party.)I love my native Appalachia, Rock n Roll and...I love God.

Location: Brevard, North Caroilina

I started blogging for two reasons. I was concerned about the changes to the area I live in, Southern Appalachia and I was about to go to the war. I was in Iraq in 06 and 07 and now Kuwait in 11 and 12. Blogging was a means of documenting my experiences and hoping it would help gain clarity. I don't feel that way about it any more. It's said people write blogs because they are frustrated, that's why people read them too. That makes us sound apocalyptic. Are we? Let it be said, what I say here is of my own thinking. This is entirely Sua Sponte and not an official representation of the U.S. Military or the U.S. Government as a whole.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I'm So Dark

My last post must have been my darkest. It even prompted calls from family. At least that's what I thought.

No. It was just a train of thought. No griping about going to Iraq. Just the world in general. The Iraq comment was an after thought. The News Media has to sensationalize the obvious.

I said in the Commnets, "I'd rather clean up George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld's mess in Iraq than King Rex's in New Orleans". People could misconstrue this.
That doesn't mean that I think that we can clean it up. There are many players and issues giving us Clauzewit's chance. That does mean that I think it's a mess. It's a Country with minimal infastructure, major outside influences, complex Social Networks and plenty of people willing to kill or be killed. To not think so is unreal.
I admitt, wich may make some furious, that Invading Iraq has proven to be a Strategic Mistake, however, I can't offer an alternative. So, I'm not going to sit on no high horse 'cause I got thrown off of one...
Now, for King Rex, who ever he is now, he rules Mardi Gras. New Orleans, runs around Mardi Gras. I'm not being judgmental of the Citizens and Tourist who participate in it. The behind the scenes stuff is all about the Social Elite. The Mayor and Governor knew it could and most likley would happen. They didn't do anything, it would be bad for buisness. I'm not saying people down there don't need help. I suggest reading Rising Tide.

My Activation...
It could happen soon. It may be a month, it may be months. More to come. Life kind of evolves around it right now.

Hill Billies Unite!
It's cool to be a Hill Billy now, unless you really are one. Our world is in chaos and we're surounded by people who think they're smarter than us. Well, thanks to Elvis Drinkmo, I've been introduced to the Applachian Blog Ring. Those people must be psychic. While I was heading off to a Bear Hunt this fall I thought of the need for such a thing. We may not agree on everything, but, we're a proud lot. Today your love, tomorrow the world!

Not only am I so dark, I'm so tired. (Good News, Twister n' Co. got a Hog down in Ga.)

Appalacian Intellectual


Blogger Hill Billy Rave said...

I don't know if a picture exsists. Too bad.

6:47 PM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

You are great, thanks for the encouragement!

10:43 PM  
Blogger Hill Billy Rave said...

Alright. I don't know what else to say.

6:54 AM  

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