Appalachian Patria

Appalachian Intellectual. To me that means plain thinking. I am A Non Commissioned Officer in the Army Reserves. Let me say...My views expressed here are mine and not those of The U.S. Army, Army Reserve or my fellow brethren in The National Guard. This is entirely Sua Sponte. This is My Thinking. I'm single and in my mid 30's. Politicaly, I'm a Libertarian. (Again, Sua Sponte.I do not represent the Libertarian Party.)I love my native Appalachia, Rock n Roll and...I love God.

Location: Brevard, North Caroilina

I started blogging for two reasons. I was concerned about the changes to the area I live in, Southern Appalachia and I was about to go to the war. I was in Iraq in 06 and 07 and now Kuwait in 11 and 12. Blogging was a means of documenting my experiences and hoping it would help gain clarity. I don't feel that way about it any more. It's said people write blogs because they are frustrated, that's why people read them too. That makes us sound apocalyptic. Are we? Let it be said, what I say here is of my own thinking. This is entirely Sua Sponte and not an official representation of the U.S. Military or the U.S. Government as a whole.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Taji, Iraq

I've been in Iraq for a little over a week now. I'm in a plae called Taji, an old sprawling Iraqi Army Base that is barracks cells seperated by junk piles of Saddams scrapped Tanks and vehichles. Part of the base is Iraqi and part Coallition.

I'm lucky. I have a room to myself, it's pretty decent. A Portajohn 15 feet away and a shower/latrine house 150 feet away. It's the cleanest I've seen in Theator yet. Unfortunatly the water has to be trucked over to it. Yesterday we didn't have any. Otherwise my only complaint is we don't have Internet over there. I'm using a computer at a Morale, Welfare, Recreation (MWR) Facility. This is the first time it was able to open blogger. I also have to stand in line at times. I have way's of posting thugh. It could be wose, it's a War Zone, just use your imagination.

I spent a couple of day's in the IZ, right when the President was there. Unfortunatly, he didn't get a chance to shake my hand. While there I had my hair cut there in Adanan Palace, admired it's hallway's and Saddams pool. No wonder you don't see him grinning on TV anymore, he's not there to play the gracious host. Oh well, he got what was coming to him.

Apparently back home there was a earthqauke in Franklin (Twisters town). Interesting. Brevard (Buttholeville) sits on a very large fault. It runs right smack dab across the middle of the County.

You've been patient with me. Shukran (Thank you in Arabic). I hope to be posting more regular now.

The Appalachianist

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to "the suck" my friend!

4:20 PM  
Blogger Jinxy said...

Good grief. Somebody didn't just say, "Welcome to the suck," did they?

Be safe, dude.

10:35 AM  
Blogger Hill Billy Rave said...

Twister, it hasn't eveen started yet.

Murf, some of those words I will avoid.

Jinxy, thanks. Twister is an old Ranger Buddy, he can say that. BTW, he spent 8 months in Ranger School, Tough MF!

Warpig, I'm not on a MTT, yet. It can happen. I beleive there is a false sense of security on FOB's, though. Thaks for stopping in and you keep your powder dry.

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you are there.....


4:07 PM  
Blogger Elvis Drinkmo said...

My thoughts are with you, man.

Hey if you drop by my blog in the near future- I found a pretty cool new ring to join called the Hillbilly Ecosystem. It's at the top of the page. They let me join even though most of the blogs on it lean to the right and I don't.

I always say my culture and my people mean more to me than politics anyway. And no matter what- I've always been opposed to gun control.

8:01 PM  
Blogger Red Queen said...

I wandered by to see what you are up to and you dun left the country all together and I was saving a kitty for you even though you said no thanks. Be blessed my friend and duck when appropriate. We want you back in one piece and with all the parts working properly.

9:19 PM  
Blogger Hill Billy Rave said...

Murf, OK, one word maybe.

Janie, Thank you. Hugs back.

Warpig, you tell 'em. A fellar could get fat eating in that place. I assure you it's just as good as when you were here before. DFAC 2 is good too. Now, I have freinds in outlieing areas that, if they want American Food, it has to come from home in a can. My Iraqi Chow Hall is pretty good.
I'm just told to stay away from fish. For what ever reasn, Americans can't stomach it. Congratulatons on being short.HALO off of a dime, huh?

Elvis, I'll check it out when I get my chance. That is the Blog ring. Left, right, there's just some things Appalachia agree's on. I'll be by to see you.

RQ, thanks for checking on me, God Bless you. I'm fine(well fed) and I'll be around.

8:52 AM  
Blogger Three Score and Ten or more said...

Just a greeting from South Georgia. Stay well my friend, and keep all your parts connected (together).

6:23 PM  

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