Bad Things Happen
If there is a recurring theme so far this Hunting Season, it's finding vehicles on their side in Macon County. Twister and I came up on this wreck Saturday after Thanksgiving. This poor Mountain Biker hit a "Wash Board" in the road and lost control. They were not in the car, apparently getting on their bike and riding down to get help.
The last day of Deer Season here is "Doe Day", the only time you can shoot a Doe with a Rifle.* It never has been a good day. The Weather is bad, Freezing Rain, Snow, Sleet or just plain Windy, and I have had Drill on that day several times. Once the Crank broke in my truck on that day. Yesterday I had a Radiator Hose blow off and the fitting, made of plastic crumbled. Now, I have to get a new Radiator. But, back to the Hunting. Thursday was a good at mid morning, I just wasn't in the right place. Friday the winds were high. When the Tree tops are swirling, the Deer take cover. Saturday was much the same. Even so there is a lot to be said about this Hunting Season so far.
That boy had fun...He walked up Mountains grabbing tree's and limbs to hold on, sat and shivered in the cold for hours trying to stay still and he at least saw some Sign. I think he enjoyed when that Wood Mouse ran down the log next to his leg. We didn't see any Deer, but, we had fun. Theres no substitute for fun, I've tried every single one.
I have to go out of town tomorrow. I'll be back Wednesday. I have to go to a pre processing deal on our pending deployment to Iraq. I still need to get a thing or two ready. So, if I don't respond don't be offended.
About that wreck, if you come to Southern Appalachia and travel our Forest Service Roads, know this...If it's on a bank, whoever has the outside bank doesn't pull over. The one on the inside bank does. The outside could be weak. I don't know how many times I have had to pull over because some Mountain Biker or Suburbanite turned Hiker doesn't realize this. They just keep barreling by. I don't mean to be rude, but, I'm going to stop on one day and explain this to them. I've actually seen where someone slid off a weak bank on account of it. Frankly, Yuppies are rude.
* You can shoot a doe in Bow Season and the last day of Muzzle Loading season.
Hey, I'll say something nice before long...
Appalachian Intellectual
Perhaps AI, you ought to plan on just staying in bed on Doe Day and avoid all that bad mojo that seems to come your way on that day.
8 letters in the code, my best yet!
Come on down to Georgia where you can shoot a doe anytime. (Actually the season limit is nine does, and I don't know whether it is two or three buck. One local radio guy the other day called dear in Georgia rats with hooves. (He was talking about the overflow or deer right now.)
, I just can't do that. I have to go.
3score and 10 more, thanks for cominh by. I can't afford that kind of Hunting.
I have to huury and get on the raod.
Yuppies are not rude. You just don't understand them. See, whatever it is that they are doing is really, really important. Always.
I am, however, a member of that slightly older group. Yep, you guessed it. I am a grumpy.
Seven letters. The complaining seems to be working a little.
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