Hello all of you Mortals,
Good NewsI’ve shot my M4. The little thing shoots well. The M68 Close Combat Optical(An Aimpoint Red dot Scope) works like a charm. It scared me at first though. I had a hard time getting it Zeroed. When Zeroing you first shoot a three round shot group and ensure that it’s within four centimeters. Group twice and adjust the sites from there. The M16 doesn’t shoot like other rifles. People that have shot all their life have to readjust to M16’s. In order to get a good site picture with the rear aperture site, you have to get your nose as close to the charging handle as possible. For me, my nose has to be right on the charging handle or I don’t get it. So, while shooting the M4, which is a little shorter, I had my nose on the charging handle…just like a good boy. I was all over the place. I usually zero the Weapon in in 12 rounds, with two adjustments. It wasn’t happening and I was getting real discouraged. What was wrong? I shoot better than that. Now, I’m talking Iron Sites, not the M68. So, after discussing it and reassuring myself, I took a lighter to my Sites, re oiled the weapon LIBERALLY, backed my nose off of the charging handle about a ½ inch and had it zeroed in 6 rounds…no adjustments. It looked a little high, so I dropped the front site post a turn. Then put the M68 on, “Lolly Popped” it to the front site post, where the red dot sat on top of the front site post, went out, shot it, 9 round Zero, no adjustments. Shot it on the qualification range, where you have 40 pop up targets at 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 meters. 20 rounds from a foxhole, and 20 from the prone. I managed to knock down 35 of them, not Expert, but, just shy of it. I knocked down all of my 300 meter targets, but, for some reason I had a hard time with the 150’s. I think if I could get a little more range time, I could do better. I would blame the wind, but, I did kill the 300’s.
Like a Boat AnchorIt took some getting used to wearing the Body Armor(IBA) with it’s two Ceramic Plates and shooting. While in the prone I could feel the back plate cutting into my neck. It weighs 35 lbs, and fit’s around your torso. I told a fellar today I feel like Robo Cop with the thing on. Well, it could save my life.
It’s about time My Digital Camera died on me, otherwise I‘d have pictures for you. I figure it’s about time. It’s been a lot of fun over the years. An old Olympus 1.3 Mega Pixel. They have a decent little variety over at the PX, I figure next Pay Day I’ll break down and buy a new one.
Not FunI was one sick Puppy over the weekend. I had come down with a cold and it gave me a severe ass whoopin. I think it was Saturday I fell asleep right after Training. Got up long enough to get the “poop” at the Team Training meeting, give out to my guy’s and back in bed. Hacked and coughed my lungs out on into Tuesday. Shooting with the IBA is bad, hacking and coughing with it is as bad, if not worse. Gave me a heck of a sore spot, right on the right shoulder blade.
Bible Characters for $200I got to pondering today. The saying..”As old as Methuzla”…Now, I know he was in the Old Testament, but, exactly who was he, other than being the oldest living person? I know Adam was 930 years old. I think Seth lived longer. So, this Methuzla fellar had to live an awfully long time.
SucksOne of our young E-5’s had his Wisdom Teeth cut out today. The boy was all over the place, drugged and trying to communicate to us in his best possible manner. I convinced him to sit down, relax and he fell asleep. I went over to the PX and got him an Ice Pack. A few hours later and he is pretty coherent. I remember having my Wisdom teeth cut out, all four. Frankly it sucked. I remember coming to and seeing the Penrose Quarry from lying down in the back seat. I was in the company of my the Girl Friend, who took very good care of me. I don’t deal well with being drugged. This poor Boy was here in the company of us Virtual Strangers, stumbling around confused, bloody gauze in his mouth and a swollen face. No privacy, just his corner of the open bay. But, he’s OK.
I figure I’ve typed enough. I’m going to use MS Word and cut and paste my posts. That ought to be easier.
The Appalachianist…Head High, Clear Mind and Just Plain Happy To Be Here