Sallam Allacum
Today I had to be at a meeting along with one of my Iraqi Counterparts clear across Taji. It was to start at 0900. There would be an Interprator at the meeting, so, I wouldn't have to bring one along. He was moving like pond water. Ten minutes before we had to be there he comes along. I had been trying to track him down. The road is as rough as a cobb between here and there, and there are Iraqi's driving all over it. They might be driving fast, they might be driving slow. It's garunteed that if it's armored, it's going fast. If I get killed on Taji, it will be in a head on collision. So, off we go. He starts singing..."Habibi Inta Rohay Inta". He is grinning and wanting me to sing along. "I'm late", I tell him. He smiles and sings, I sing along...slowly getting the words right. He wants me to sing an American Song...What will work right? A folk Song...Something catchy. I pulled an old Johnny Horton tune out of my pocket and he sang along quite well to the "Battle of New Orleans". Once we get to the meeting place there is no one there. I go inside the TOC, the head shed if you will. I ask about the meeting. "It's Friday, man, sleep in day", an Air Force NCO tells me. Friday is the Muslim Sabbath, so the meeting is at 1000. I didn't realise it was Friday. Through an Interpraator I explain and apologise. My Counterpart smiles real big and said, "I know this, but, I can't explain it to you because I don't speak English". So, we drove over to the Iraqi PX for something he wanted and then waited around for 1000 to get there.
Habibi Inta...
The Appalachianist
Was your Iraqi counterpart impressed with American ingenuity--using an alligator as a cannon? Good to hear from you. Sounds like the Army really is about hurrying up and waiting.
For a moment I didn't get sage's bit about the alligator. Then it came to me and I thought also that it's pretty obvious that Johnny Horton wrote songs prior to the Endangered Species Act.
Good to hear from you, AI.
Thanks, You'l, but, I didn't get hat far inot the song.
You should have had him sang the dingaling song by Chuck Berry...that would have been cool.
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