Training Area 9...AKA The MOUT Site. MOUT is Military Operations in Urbanized Terrain. Marines call it "Combat Town" and I've picked up the influence. This is one of the Sites we used on Ft. McClellan. It's made up like a small town as you can see. We mainlyy worked on basic room clearing. Everyone loved it. It's the training soldiers love to do.
I saw a bumper sticker on a truck today that said, "The last time someone listened to a Bush people wondered in the desert for 40 years". That is low class.
Appalachian Intellectual

Talk about Low class. I didn't even have it edited yet....
Spamn Dammers!
The spam is low class, but what is it about the bummer sticker that's low class? Enlighten me. As a self-proclaimed liberterian, I'd thought you'd have some questions about the Commander in Chief.
Sage, I do have questions about The President, as a Libertarian and in my Strategic thinking. Yet, I find the statement low class because that "bush" was GOD. They wondered around in the desert on their own demise. Did they not? I also find it typical of the left to place blame on one person or group of people in a personal way. Satire is one thing, but no one...not the left or the neocons...take a look at the culprit...a way of thinking. Neither one provide us with choice. One is simply more socialist than the other. If we are wondering in the desert it is of our own demise. We were with the last President and the one before. I did vote for President Bush. And I think he is a heck of a guy. I felt he was far better than the other candidate. I felt the other one dishonest and offering no real solutions. Only CULTURAL MARXISM, Increased Socialism, a genuine Carpet Bagger.
So, blame the man. Blame everyone but the yourself.
It's typical of the left who preach respect for others and so on to have no respect for peoples religous beliefs. That's Cultural Marxism.
And to anyone who thinks the Democrats will get us out of the war...My assesment...THEY WILL ESCALATE IT.
Sage, I hope that explains it. Because I want to go do other things right now and not type.
Thanks for stopping in again!
Most excellent answer to Sages question. God Bless.
Military Operations in Urbanized Terrain... only the US military could come up with that one.
Reminds me of the time I was involved in a support agreement dealing with a joint service computer processing facility that had always been GOGO, but was changing to GOCO, but there was some dispute regarding use of the GOTS equipment.
Military acronyms... it's a study all by itself.
Good reply there, also re bumper sticker and leftist thinking.
Uhm, was that a hillbilly rant?
I like it.
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