Title...we don't need no stinking title!
The big Iraqi Election is tommorrow. What do I think? I beleive Sisttani's boy's are going to win. Many will not vote, and it will be called a sham. Now, in the eye's of Democracies, it's legitimate. Just because one side boycotts doesn't make it a sham. They had the choice not to vote, and they chose not to. To us Americans it's, "you idiot, you should have voted, so shut up". But, this ain't so in the Muslim World, let me say Arab. Democratic Government is a new and strange thing there and they have their own cultures and beleifs. They like the idea(some do, some don't) but, popular nonvote may be seen as a vote.
Not to mention it can be bad for your health. The insurgency, in my opinion, has the strategy of making the elections non legitamite AND delegitimizing the Interem Government by showing that they can not make you safe." They can't provide basic services(water/power), they can't protect you at the polls, they are just corrupt puppets...so, don't bother"*
I think we are going to see a qausi Democratic Theocracy.
There's this hope that once the election is over we can rid ourselves of this tar baby. I call it that because U.S. Tax Dolllars largly support it. It doesn't meen so. Al Qauda wants to fight us there and we are going to fight them there.
I'm not being synacle, I'm being a realist.
Good tacticians are realist.
There is a book that I think everyone one concerned should read. Imperial Hubris by Annonymous. He's out in the open now, I just can't remember his name. The Authur worked for the CIA and retired recently. When you read, read with both eyes open. It's funny, the only place it is realy circulated is in the Warrior Culture. The left reads the dust jacket and hails it...they sure don't open it. The right reads the dust jacket and dissmises it. It would pay to read it. I find little to argue about other than some military issues...minor.
Did you see the headline? The one about the US State Dept. giving a travel advisory to Mexico? Nothing against Mexicans...many I have liked...the border is becoming a violent place, Already was and now more so. Drug Trafficking, Human Smugeling., more and more Murder. I know for a fact Arabs have been caught several times. There is a signifcance to that. It's due to Non Gevernment Millatant Forces, what we are calling Fourth Generation Warfare.
* check the blogs Baghdad Burning(http;//riverbendblog.blogspot.com) and Raed In The Middle (http://raedinthemiddle.blogspot.com)
Oh....I found the remote.
We got snow, sleet, now freezing rain.
I usualy get out and walk in the snow, but, I didn't this time. My energy must be low.
I will first thing tommorow.
Appalachian Intellectual
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